Video 7
namaskar good morning dear devotees and friends today is the first saturday of the month and as usual we are supposed to give the class in the hindu temple of lemont in bibekananda spiritual center but as because we are still having this online classes i will be speaking from here itself so you are welcome to narada bhakti sutras so let us begin yes yes i bow down to lord visnu the great god whose mere remembrance makes one free from the bondage of birth and death now friends we are studying the narada bhakti sutra a very famous scripture of the hindu and particularly those who follow the path of devotion and here we find in the narrative that he is emphasizing on the bhakti and we have studied that narada himself has quoted so many different definitions of the bhakti or devotion the chandilla and others they are speaking about bhakti but the narada he said that very simple because it is aphorism so in a very small and a few words only they have used but a great idea narada is giving to us what is devotion that means that god and we always talk about the lord vishnu why the vishnu because all pervading god if it is all-pervading how it can be the god for our sake it is not having any form but without the name and form we cannot think of anything so that is the reason the vishnu the rishis and particularly the brahma the firstborn he gave that conception of lord vishnu who is all-pervading he is everywhere constantly uh the increasing that is vishnu so that conception it is very difficult is an abstract conception so we won't be able to concentrate on that so they have given a name and a form that is lord vishnu and when we are remembering that lord visnu the smallness the narrowness that is breaking and when we are breaking the narrowness smallness our ego is also vanishing and what remains the god himself so that is exactly now narada is suggesting we cannot give up the work our duties our responsibilities so obviously we will perform all those and then offer it to god as if we are doing because god has asked us to do or give the responsibility to perform so we are performing in that attitude if you are doing and whatever we are doing any work that is not harming others that is a holy work so we are doing some work and then that work particularly most of the job most of the responsibilities work that we do in our human society is helping each other a and cultivator he is producing the the grains and that is and another person is taking that and selling it in the market and then we are purchasing that and we are eating so the circle is going on like that and we are purchasing we are giving the money so the person who was carrying that food gets the money then he give it to the cultivator and then it is this way it goes so we can understand the whole work the economy and the sociology and the administration everything goes on that and no question of harming but still we do harm why because we are greedy when we become greedy we like to get more thing for ourselves only for our pleasure then when the greed possesses us then we become bad the majority of the people they are free from that greed a little bit of desires are there but if we that is nothing you can satisfy and you can be free so that is the way if we think the life becomes really very easy we make mistakes but we don't commit seen but some of the people are there knowingly they are harming others we are not discussing about them they are not in this so who are the devotees who are performing their duties and at the same time have faith that there is god and they pray to god that is for them the narada's giving this devotion because the love is already there within us so we are giving that love to god and how not forgetting him anytime whatever the responsibilities the work that we do in the offices in the market in our household everything that we are offering to god and then we are constantly aware about god that is the main thing and the moment and not only aware we love him so much the moment we forget to remember him that we feel pain oh why how could i forget this to god or pita offering akila and when we forget we really feel pain so that is the definition that means not only the faith that god is there but also the love for god has generated within us this is the thing now we will go to then he is giving the example and yatha brojo gopikanam braja that's the brajaddham brindavan is there and if you go to india and those who are from india they can understand that in up uttar pradesh one of the district states of india there is a place called the brazil dharma dharma means the place and whose bridger what the budget that was the people they used to live over there and we all respect them why because they lived with lord krishna we love them we visit that place why because lord krishna was born over there that same vishnu lord vishnu took the form of lord krishna and the krishna was born over there grew up over there and he displayed his leelah the divine play over there to establish religion so this is the reason and there the ladies of that place they were having great devotion for the lord krishna when he was almost a small little baby we can say they used to come to him they used to get joy and then he became a young boy and all those stories are there but their love was so intense the neighbor could forget that krishna so the narada is giving the example of the gopikas who were the gopikas they were the girls and the wives and the mothers of that household and they had a lot of work that mostly they used to milk the cow and then sell that and preparing the sweet meats and so many work and then the maintaining the cows is a big job you have to get the grasses and wash the cows so those who are working they know constantly you have to work but at the same time constantly they used to remember krishna and they were so eager when the work will be over we like to go and see the krishna we like to listen to his flute the beautiful melodious melodiously used to play the flute and they will go they will listen and they'll go into trances there's no physical connection nothing they never by wrongly some people are depicting that is completely different that's why bhagavat and particularly the krishna leela should be read when your heart when your mind is completely free when there is no idea of the physical the comforts and all that so that is why here the narada the purest person he is giving the example yata vraja gopikanam in the 21 the aphorism rajagopi like the brajuko because and what is that you go because here the brajugapi cause love is the example bhagavan srirama krishna will quote from him bhagavan srama krishna says as the tiger devours our animals so the intense love of the gopis their zeal for the lord krishna ate up last anger and other passions so that is why the narada is giving the example of the gopikas it is like they were not having any other thing but pure love for krishna they were not expecting anything from krishna also oh i am having some pain oh krishna you are having miraculous power please cure me or i am having some problem pure please solve that nothing like that i don't want anything from you i only love you so that is the gopikas this is a great example unfortunately majority of the people they bring down that gopika's love to the the worldly love no they should not be compared they'll be depicting the imaginary pictures and no no no no that is all wrong thing so that love means i and my god are one and who is this god all pervading consciousness which has been by the rishis they mentioned the anandaiva ananda eva he is the embodiment of joy the please that much and he goes into that joy this bhaja gopika and bhagavan's ramakrishna in a very excellent way as a tiger is eating all the animals so the love the pure love for god in the heart of those humble ladies of the at the brindavan that has taken their eaten up clean up their loss their anger and passion the anger means when there is ego why i am not getting so it becomes anger when i don't get the object that i was anchoring then if i don't get that i become angry so the anger is not there there is no desire no question of expecting anything in return so no anger and swami vivekananda is that the devotion of the gopis is the devotion of love constant unmixed and unflinching swami vivekananda wrote gopi leela is the acme of the religion of love is the highest the top most that is the example of the love love for god it is so easy to say because we have love we can understand what is love we are always hankering for that we can understand that but when they say love for god is completely different and how we will understand that example is the love of the gopis for krishna so swami vivekananda also the disciple of sri ramakrishna he is mentioning gopi leela is the acme of the religion of love in which individuality vanishes and there is communion individuality vanishes the wind i still feel that i am separate there is a desire there is anger there is something but when i and you are one that becomes like that then there is nothing but the joy so the rasha lila there are different aspects that has been developed by the people of devotion so that the ordinary people can understand it the rasa leela is one of that apparently it is just like a man and the whole man they are enjoying they are dancing they are singing nothing like that is the individual soul the devoted soul is going to the supreme soul and when ultimately they are they are removing all the obstacles the individual soul the jibatma is going and mixing with the supreme soul the paramatma that is the great joy so then they are enjoying only that joy because the swami vivekananda said is the acme of the religion of love in which individuality vanishes we have to understand this particular world there is no ego what is the individuality ego eye consciousness that is not there then what remains only god when i am meditating a yogi he's thinking i am meditating i is there individuality is there separateness is there difference is there meditating on god the object is there it's a different thing i love god i have faith in the existence of god but at the same time i is there as long as i is there it's not the complete even in the yoga in the gyan also the same in the path of devotion in the path of bhakti then the narrative says no it should not be i and my god are the same when that comes in the in the life of swami vivekananda also we saw in some of the incidents they will be offering food to bhagavan sirama krishna we should not follow siddha swami bibakaranda because swami vivekananda he was in that mood as his guru srama krishna when he used to offer the food to goddess kali then sometimes you'll be asking as if talking with the mother no one could see so they used to doubt some people there's too doubt but sirama krishna could see suramar krishna could hear and there is no difference and sadama krishna mother you want me to eat it okay then he will eat and that food he is offering to the mother can you imagine no one can imagine this whenever we are offering food to god we are so cautious so that we should not touch it we should not do this and swami vivekananda sometimes used to sit for doing the puja and his puja was a very unique he'll be offering the the food the all the sweets and the fruits and the water and then he will meditate then after the meditation he will take all the flowers and then throw and ask the surama krishna that khalil the as if is is framed so you're just same so he he is asking the khalil dost he used to call sirama krishna is his dos that's his friend khali but that is sufficient for puja so he's meditating and he's becoming one with sudama krishna there is no separation then he himself is asking khalil dost you are my closest friend so one approached the love and the beloved lover and the beloved another as a friend so there are five different paths to that leads to god so sirama krishna and swami vivekananda we find that supreme love the both of them the example of the vedanta but at the same time of the devotion too now we will study we will read the 22nd aphorism now swami vivekananda he is asking sirama krishna the dost khalo dos means the friend can we do that no because we don't have that attitude we don't have that way the thought there is no separation when he is telling those but at the same time as a great respect is there a mind is so high and mixing with sirama krishna that is one and when he is coming down and becoming a separate that time he is the disciple and he is the guru and not only guru is the god himself that respect is there so when we love afterwards we forget that he is a great person he is god himself that should not be this is the problem that comes to those who are doing services leaving very close affinity close association with a great person let's see the person regularly every time then they start thinking oh is nothing special is ordinary they develop that attitude and they lose all the benefit of spiritual the game it happens in the life of one who was very close to bhagavan sirama krishna he was his relatives one of the nephews then he was there used to serve him and slowly slowly he developed this wrong attitude he started neglecting bhagavan's ramakrishna not only that he started thinking because i am here sirama krishna surviving otherwise we will give him food we will take care of him he is nothing without me and the divine mother removed him you know that story so that is the way we have to understand here narada when he is telling that gopikas and gopikas were so close to krishna but don't think they were not knowing the greatness of krishna they used to call with krishna they'll be fighting with krishna they'll be complaining against krishna all these to do but they never ever forgot the krishna was the god himself so not the trophy mahatma ghyana the greatness the knowledge of the greatness the never forgot it so that is very very important though you are the son of yasuda but thou art the innermost self in all being so that they used to always think that though you are the son of yashoda that they will be going to yashoda and complaining because krishna as a young boy he was very naughty used to play with them and he'll be making some sometimes that they'll be angry as if angry they will go and complain to the mother but they all knew that he is the god himself because their hearts were pure how could they do it how could they feel it because their hearts were pure what is the purity there is no ego when there is no ego that is the purity so they knew it the krishna was the gods or the supreme evil now the narada is mentioning suppose there is no respect for your beloved the god himself if you don't have the respect full respect as god then that love will be like any ordinary love the human being the people they have they will be loving at the same time they will be calling they will go for the separation and sometimes some of the news is that is published in the nowadays local paper my god they are planning to kill the husband to go for the paramour can you imagine is this love so it is a jaaranam evil otherwise their love would have been the passion only the majority of the time that we see is nothing but the passion when the body is changing the mind also changes then we feel attraction and we think oh this is the love that we are having and the word love is used so many millions of times in so many ways in the stories in the poems in the songs but we don't know what is love the love is pure and how that is purity we will come slowly the narada is mentioning that if the respect is not there so that's why when sometimes the the newly married couples they come to me for the blessings i pray to takurma and i always tell them have respect for each other if you don't have respect for each other the husband should have respect for the wife and wife for the husband their love cannot continue because if you don't have the faith the respect of some of the activities of your wife you cannot continue to love her that all the attraction which goes away and same with the opposite way also wife to husband and i give the example of bhagavan sirama krishna look at it the he married marsh aradhamani devi and masharadha manidevi was almost as a 20 years younger than takusirama krishna then that when the ma was in the dakshinesha and one lady from the nearby village she used to come and she used to talk with mother and mother used to listen to her compassionately and sometimes giving her some advices suramar krishna noticed it from from distance then one day he told mother perhaps you don't know that lady she is having some bad name mother told no i know but that was long before now she is not she is very elderly and she is all right but sirama krishna the lord himself he then asked mother that this these are the from the life when we learn so how it is the srama krishna asking mother you should not talk to her anymore that means an order from the god but though mother was so respectful but she didn't listen to these and she continued to listen to that and the relation with that lady relation means she is to come she is to cry and mother is to console her in that way then afterwards she herself told if these people who are in that condition wants to get up and we we are here to help them if we don't do them who will do understood that next day when you observe the next day when you observe that the same mother is continuing sudama krishna neighbor became angry or asked her since i have said you must obey no he didn't say that why immediately he understood there must be some reason that's why the mother is behaving like that what is the reason mother's love mother's compassion to help those wretched souls and she wants to get up she wants to be clean the mother was helping from that point of view so that is the way we have to understand it is the respect should be always there love is there respect should be there the complete faith then the love and the respect that is the total the thing of the love so this we are learning from narada bhakti sutra on the 24th aphorism it says nasty battash means that there is not there is not just mean in that love tatsuka the happiness of the beloved sukhitom the beloved is happy that is sufficient and the lover never care for his or her love so this is the difference between the divine love and the ordinary worldly love the ordinary worldly love always the expectation is there i love you i care for you the same thing you should also do for me but in the divine love nasty there is nothing you are happy i am also happy in that so this we have to understand tatsuka sukhitom the ignorant people sometimes mixed up the pure divine love of the gopis for the lord krishna with the basar form of love of this physical world that is unfortunate bhagavan sirama krishna he mentioned about the different kind of love this is the specialty of bhagavatam krishna he's mentioning sadharani sadharani then saman jasa and samartha is giving the gradation the grade of the love what is that he mentions first is sadharani sadharani means the love in which the lover seeks his own joy happiness that is sadharani the ordinary people they always do like that though i am loving i am naturally i will expect that same reciprocating in that same way otherwise i am not there this is sadharani love we go to god but if we are not getting all our prayers fulfilled or answered then we don't go to that god we go to some other place and like that so this is sadhani the one gentleman told i was worshiping for such a long period of time then see what has happened to me my husband my son passed away my wife has to be what is this i don't believe that god is there this is sadharani i'm not criticizing but the mind could not go beyond that god is there where from i got all these things the worldly things from god now that the god has taken it back it's okay for me he could not think in that he was very angry so that way criticizing god and stopped all the spiritual practices like this we will find almost everywhere so they don't understand the cause and effect thing the karma and all the theory so they always blame to god so he this is called sadharani so what type of love sadharani say then samantha love in which both seek each other's happiness the one is the lover only expecting his own benefit and his own happiness his own joy and nothing else that is sadharani samanjasah both equally if not then there is a breakage so that is samanja then comes the third one what is the third one samartha the samartha is a love in highest form lover says to the beloved be happy yourself whatever may happen to me you need not to worry that is the attitude of sri radha so we rather never expected anything from the lord krishna and that also we see in the life of mirabai the mirabai used to love sri krishna but that love that the the constant love for krishna was only for krishna the krishna should now we read in the bhagavata sometimes when the krishna is walking on the field all these ladies they are coming and lying down and telling that there are thorns are there krishna it may hurt you let us lie down we walk on our bodies let the thorn that you can imagine on the thorny grasses they are lying down only to protect the feet of the lord krishna what type of love this is called samartha this samartha love only gives and never expect anything else in return so that is the divine love so when you when we are talking about the narada bhakthi sutra the narada is slowly slowly taking us giving the example of different type of love that because it is so natural with us that we all understand this path the path of ghana is little difficult but yoga of course difficult karma also is a very difficult to perform all the time all through the life but the bhakti is so natural within us and if we can understand the pure love that is samartha the love only to give not expecting anything else in return and that is called the divine love and that takes us directly to god realization most of the time worldly love is nothing but attachment attachment changes into hatred when there is some dissatisfaction in that relationship one of our swamiji is he is mentioning in his book that this the relationship now the marriage is a great institution why because from that the human society is growing up and it goes with the father and the mother if both are not having that love for each other then the children will also won't grow properly so that is the that is the reason all the the samajapati the leaders of the society they were so careful about the marriage institution sometimes some people they don't understand it and they talk about in the in the modernity we are all free we can do whatever we like no you cannot you are not supposed to you should be responsible member of a society and you should be careful what you are giving back to the society and there they offer the love and when you are beginning with this love the love respect and then you're going beyond that the one step another then ultimately an individual become happy and at the same time he or she makes the whole society happy and there'll be no breakages in the love that never happens in the case of divine love he is writing because the motive is not one's own joy in the divine love this is the difference when the the base love or the worldly love they either as the bhagavatam krishna gave that only one way i only want the joy i don't care for other thing then the both way then ultimately comes to the third the samartha and here it says the divine love only there is no absolute no selfish motive in divine love there is nothing physical the path of divine love the attitude of the lover should only be followed by very pure souls those who are following the path of devotion the duality they think just getting up in the morning bathing in the ganga and putting some marks and going to the temple and taking the name of god and dancing before him offering food and that is showing the love not at all that is only the beginning of course just like the primary school so we go and we do that that is only the beginning but the love the 24 hours a constant attraction for god as the gyanumar gives 24 hours they're going on thinking that they are pure soul though they are talking they are moving they are eating but constantly i am the pure soul and the devotee also thinking that god is there i have to go to god i have to worship god i have to talk to god and that feeling constantly separates that mind from the worldly thoughts so the path of love the attitude of the lover only be followed by very pure souls again and again i like to mention these the the purity means where there is no worldliness and when there is no worldliness when there is no ego and without ego there is no desire desire for the worldly objects and that is the pure condition pure condition of the mind there are many other attitudes one can have towards god that is in the in the path of devotion they say shanta datsya there all other forts are there bhagavan sirama krishna he added another one more and that is i like that very much and suramar krishna also mentioned and that is santana bhava santana have an attitude of a child towards the parents the father the mother is there i am their child i don't know what to do the mother and father knows better so they will take care of me that is the sixth we can add but the word is the shanta bhava is a person who has already understood the whole thing of the leela so quietly observe and enjoy the performance of the god it never says anything that is the bhabha of the rishis they're all the man of knowledge they all knew everything what is going to happen and in the life of sri rama chandra what the ramachandra will do shita will be abducted by the rabana everything they knew so when the things are happening they are not disturbed they know next to what is coming another is that's called shanta shanta means peaceful calm then dasya the serving the god is my lord master i am going to serve then bathshell the attitude of the mother the god is the child and i am the father or the mother and i have to look after the god otherwise who is going to look after him that is it and then comes the shakya as swami vivekananda called sirama krishna as his friend and arjuna also used to think the sri krishna as his brain that's a shakya but the madhura attitude is really really very pure attitude madhura means god is my lover and i am the beloved or i am the lover god is the beloved so that attitude is a very pure attitude only the pure mind can take up that and here in the 25th verse it says aphorism it says this madhura bhava this is the attitude of love he had the narada he was the master in yoga he was a gyani he was a karmi we know narada constantly roaming and talking to people inspiring them guiding them he was a karmi constant but at the same time same narada is telling this love the love for god thinking the god as your beloved the karma gyana yogip in the bhagavad-gita also the sri krishna when he's talking about the yoga and he's asking arjuna then tasman the yogi bhava arjuna again when he's talking about the bhakti he said become a devotee bhakta you will merge in me as a gyani he said gyana is the best path because it's like like the fire it burns everything so all the time that is if you it is depends on your attitude our attitude individual attitude not other he is giving the teaching on the devotion so he is mentioning not that other paths are not that way good but narada will go on giving some and the why he is mentioning like this just as a statement he is giving not like that arguments are also there the answers are also there satu karma gana yogi bopi adikatara now we know the sanatana dharma we are having the four ways to reach god what are the four is this is the beauty of the sanatana dharma which is known as the hindu dharma the famous as hindu dharma the attitude of a man the emotion of a person that sometimes we analyze we love to analyze we like to know and immediately the rishis told well you apply this attitude and follow the path of knowledge in the path of knowledge they will be all the time analyzing what is these what is this what is this and what is their goal something permanent those who are following the path of knowledge their goal is something which is permanent so they will go on analyzing is the sun is permanent no is the ocean is permanent no then these these these these they will be going on analyzing including their own body and mind and ultimately they will reach to that whom they have called as brahman what is the brahman all-pervading consciousness there is no form there is actually no name then they will be explaining the how it is is a source of joy and it is a source of knowledge and that is because it is eternal never born so obviously it's the source of our desire to live to survive so that is they will say satchit ananda sarupa then they will mention the om ethi brahma so meditate on home because something is necessary to meditate so this is the way but brahman is completely not different it's not om it is not sachidananda it is not the quality of the cannot be the quality of the brahman what is that brahma then ultimately swami vivekananda said bhojay praan bhojajar one who has realized it can understand it sirama krishna said this is the only knowledge no one could defile because it could not be expressed through words that is the path of knowledge in the path of knowledge there is karma in the path of knowledge there is the yoga because you have to be concentrated you have to be always attentive all that now another part is the bhakti the devotion in the devotion what it happens the in that devotion the goal is the god and how i am reaching to him through love how that is love then i have that love within me and i love my father i love my mother i love my children i love my friend then the rishi's you'll say okay very good any attitude any approach if you feel take that and go towards god so sometimes the mothers they feel that the god is my son and they will be taking the baby krishna not the grown up krishna and when a son is grown up he never goes to mother or listen to the mother they always go for in their own way not that they don't love or respect they don't they do but that is a different because they're grown up naturally so the mothers they always like the babies baby krishna so they'll be taking the baby krishna the bala gopala they'll be bathing that and then feeding and they'll be talking with and all that affection goes to that god isn't it wonderful why everybody has to go in the same passion why everyone has to put the same coat whether fit it or not this is hinduism this is sanatana dharma utilizing any attitude that a human being is having to realize the goal the god so here it says it's better that you take the love it is better from the karma gyana yoga why because it is natural with you you like to love you like to love as a father of course you can do as soon krishna said amar shantan i always consider myself as a child of god and as a child of god what i should do i only believe that god is there my father or my mother and i will do whatever i like mother knows what when to stop and what i should do she will take care of me that only dependence i when you're talking it seems it's so easy but if you have the ego you cannot because naturally you are feeling the i am thinking i am performing i should have but a child never think in that way is completely depending on the mother in the life of bhagavan si rama krishna we know that when the guru came the tota puri ji told a boy i like to teach you vedanta because it has been that ordinary to me that i should go and teach you vedanta what surround krishna did if you read the biography of krishna the eunuch wait wait let me talk to mother in the beginning that guru thought oh he's a 30 32 years young man but still depending on the mother maybe the bengalis are more depending on the mother the bengal is always they love their mother depend on their mother than their father so okay but where the srama krishna went it is the makkali apparently when we look it is a nothing but the stone image but for sudama krishna he could see the leaving mother then talked with the mother that man has come and he wants to teach me vedanta what do you say then he came back just like a little boy very happy got the permission of the mother mother told she has send you for me teach you what you want to teach can you imagine so this is the love between the beloved the god and that is we here the saha that is using narada is using satu karma gyana yogi means that what is that that means the love that i talked about referred about that sa means the devotion but devotion is not only a process it is the goal too that is the specialty the devotion is not only the process it is also the goal when the the gyana margie they say this table node is not conscious my body no it is not conscious then this it is not it is not niti niti na iti noity they go on talking like that thinking like that analyzing like that they don't accept but in the path of devotion eti everything god everything god so they go on accepting and that path itself is the goal because you are thinking oh god oh beautiful flower a god has created and that sky the blue sky with white patches of the uh that that also god created look at the horizon the beautiful green grasses going and mixing with that the blue sky beautiful horizon god has created by that way it goes on thing that means everything god everywhere every being you see the bird you see the animals god's creation so the path itself is the goal so that is the beauty now you know the in hinduism they will be talking about the three things as bhagavan sirama krishna mentioned if you have read that suramar krishna's biography you know in a conversation with the the devotees suramar krishna said bhagavat bhakta bhagavan the kishaf sandra shane when he was giving a talk in the beginning sadama krishna told him o kesha repeat after me [Music] now what is that bhagavat bhagavat is the book or the knowledge or the love that is the process and who is utilizing that process bhakta the student devotee the aspirant and what is the goal bhagavan the win a devotee by practicing the devotion go and merge it with the lord and that is the ultimate it's called triputi veda but in the the path of devotion they don't use this word triputi veda in the path of knowledge it is triputi veda and the lord shiva is known as tripurari the in one go he peers the three demons that's called triputi but actually it is a story what are the tribute veda in the path of knowledge it will say the gyana that is the the noah then the knowledge then the brahman is the goal and that is the way it goes the triputi veda means there is one who wants to know and object that he wants to know and the process in between the knower and the known when the knower and the known through that process become one that is called triputi veda you have pierced the target the eyeball so that is the way they understand so this way slowly it is going in the bhagavad-gita it says in the 11th chapter lord krishna is emphasizing on the devotion and you know the in the 11th chapter arjuna was with krishna but when the krishna was telling i taught the yoga to so and so arjuna told how come they are so senior so hundreds and thousands years before they were there and you were of my age i got to teach them krishna me and you or again and again take birth this all the creation is going on i remember everything you don't but we are all always there arjuna hard but didn't believe then ultimately arjuna told friend can you please show me your that naturally to have the complete faith you are telling and i am also listening and i am trying to believe it but if you can show that you are truly divine can you please that is called vishwa rupa darshana arjuna saw that krishna gave him a divine i because the arjuna's mind was not that ready because the lord krishna used to love him he gave that mind the pure mind then he saw the lord krishna and the 11th chapter the eunuch wonderful the description of the huge form of the lord krishna afterwards when the man like came a hero started trembling out of fear oh krishna please take your normal form it is terrible for me then he became normal again and then he told 11th chapter 53rd verse he said this is very important in the and it says arjuna my divine form that you have seen cannot be seen by reading vedas or practicing penances nor by nor by doing charity or in then how one can see that divine form then krishna is telling in the next verse of the bhagavad-gita 54 verse i'm quoting only the first line [Music] the win the only through the devotion to me a devotee can see me in this form because bhakti your devotion to god is the path and also the goal the bhakti is the means and the end now i will conclude by mentioning that how bhagavan sirama krishna is about again making the great there is a bodhi bhakti because the guru of the scripture said that you should get up in the morning you should do this take the name of god and these this we go on doing that and not that too much of love is there but still since i promised to my guru i should do that's called bhai we will discuss it in our next class again then it's called raga bhakti then when you are going on doing it slowly slowly you develop love one type of attachment and if you are not practicing meditation and the japa in the morning you feel something oh i'm missing today but i could not take the name of god somehow before breakfast i should take the name of god like that the slowly slowly you develop the love and it's called raga bhakti or prama bhakti and that is the beautiful because the love is there ultimately urjita bhakti there you and the beloved are one you cannot forget no question of forgetting no question of remembering it is you only so friends thank you and we will discuss about this in the next month and thanks to the authority of the hindu temple of lemont they gave that opportunity and we will be discussing in our next month again naruto is there any question yes the first question is from file data she's asking how to deal with negative thoughts a pile is a very good question the how to deal with the negative thoughts but first you have to understand what are the negative thoughts that means suppose you like to go to god you like to meditate on god and then they are there are some thoughts which is disturbing your mind that is always that is normal and you have to go on practicing and if the negative thought means some other people are criticizing god and trying to put the idea that there is no god etc etc then you have to avoid those companies so and finally you should have to have a perfect faith in the words of the guru or and on the scripture where like the bhagavan's ramakrishna he himself is telling swearing in the name of the mother myri balci is swearing in the name of my mother there is god you can talk to god you can see god have faith and all these negative things will go away thank you the second question is from he's saying knowing narada muni stayed with only bhakti only the help of knowledge can one reach the goal as thakur said one cannot reach the goal only with knowledge not very clear the question um not very clear narada money stayed only with bhakti now the practice bhakti but the narada was also gyani he knew who is this vishnu so that was also there but anyway as we can say in this way bhagavan sirama krishna said and also bhagavan chaitanya mahaprabhu also said that you can reach on the same path the same goal by following the path of knowledge and also following the path of bhakti so through the path of bhakti we go and become one with the god and we is all pervading vishnu through the following the path of knowledge we go to all pervading consciousness which is brahman both are same ghost is again saying this may not be relevant but how are you maharaj okay thank you so much asking how to deal with my angry nature and negative thoughts everybody is angry you know that is natural that is in our nature but if you can and note down why you are becoming angry then you will find there are some causes which is not satisfied and then you are angry this somebody didn't call you or invite you you become angry something we which you wanted to utilize use and somebody else took it so you become angry like that only it happens you wanted to have some position that somebody else took you become angry so there must be some object which you are not finding getting and that is agitating you and you are becoming if you can list it down and can analyze then you'll see there will be no anger thank you shima viswas has a two two part question the first is i am not the body what is meant by it the second part is how we recognize us atman we are the consciousness we are the atman that is our true identity the body i am not the body in the sense the body is changing the body was a small one as a baby on the lap of the mother then i grew up and it has become like this and it will again will become the very old dilapidated so that body cannot be me because i am continuously there when i was a baby i was a baby when i grow grow up a little as a young boy i was a young boy i am a young man i am a old person so like that i is present in every situation in every condition by that way we can say i am not the body i am not the mind i am the soul that is my identity one indita has a two part question she is saying a spiritual aspirant proceeds towards the goal according to the attitude in bracket shanta garcia the attitude can also change over time the second part is can an ordinary person have more than one attributes and yet be sincere uh attitude that means the more than one uh see it is always there but bhagavan sirama krishna says take up one idea then swamiji also says take up one idea and then concentrate on that suppose i take up the idea that i am the son i am the child of god and god is my mother and all through my life i practice that way and it depends in my practices i feel so if you have i am the child of mother at the same time i am mother and god is my child how it will go so naturally you can understand so thank you for all these wonderful questions let us conclude by saying shanti three times o mushanti [Music] that's it you